Chronic Abdomen Pain

Narcotics - The Solution or the Problem? Fall General Surgery has the privilege of treating, among many things, chronic abdominal pain. By “chronic” we refer to the existence of symptoms over several weeks, months, or even years. Symptoms may be localized or generalized. Alternation of bowel function, nausea, and/or vomiting may or may not accompany complaints of constant or cramping abdominal pain. Commonly, this syndrome has a predilection toward young females. Excessive co-existence of stress may add to the clinical picture and challenge diagnostic and therapeutic options. Often times, previous surgery has been performed raising concerns

Diverticular Disease, a Common Problem

Do you have “tics” in your colon? If you have significant abdominal pain,  seek the advice of Dr. Fall. Diverticula are sac-like protrusions of the wall of the colon (large bowel). Causes of this condition probably are related to a low fiber diet and altered motility of the colon. There has been a dramatic increase in this disease over the past fifty years and is much more common in industrialized nations. Diverticulosis is rare below age 35 but affects 65% of our  population by age 80. The natural history of diverticular disease includes no symptoms or may progress from